Front-End Web Developer Nanodegree

Front-End Web Developer Nanodegree

Nanodegree key: nd001

Version: 1.0.0

Locale: en-us

Become a Front-End Web Developer by completing a variety of projects for your portfolio - become an HTML, CSS and JavaScript pro!


Part 01 : Web Foundations

In Web Foundations you'll learn about the Web and its central technologies. You'll learn about the foundational structure of all websites, HTML. You'll build on top of a website's structure with CSS to create beautifully designed sites. Finally, you'll learn to how to develop a web project like a professional using the version control tool, Git. You'll build three projects, and each project should take roughly one or two afternoons to complete from start to finish.

Part 02 : Responsive Websites

Part 03 : JavaScript Foundations

In JavaScript Foundations, you'll learn the most popular programming language in the world - JavaScript! You'll learn the basics of the language and then take the next step by looking at the popular JavaScript library, jQuery. You will write JavaScript code to programmatically generate your resume, leveraging JavaScript to add content to a resume template composed of HTML and CSS.

Part 04 : Intermediate JavaScript

After laying a solid foundation with JavaScript basics, you're going to jump to the next level in your JavaScript skills. You'll learn all about Object-Oriented JavaScript techniques, closure, and the infamous "this" keyword. You'll also jump back into HTML by learning about the Canvas element. Using all of these skills, you'll create your own version of a classic arcade game.

Part 05 : Advanced Interactive Websites

In this unit, you'll learn how to take an already great website and optimize it for speed and efficiency. You'll learn about optimizing the Critical Rendering Path to help battle "jank" in your sites. You'll learn how to use APIs to send and retrieve data. You'll build organized, professional code using the MV* frameworks KnockoutJS and BackboneJS. You'll test your skills by optimizing a website that has some rendering problems. You'll also harness the power of the Google Maps API to create a neighborhood map application.

Part 06 (Elective): Webcasts

Part 07 (Career): Career: Job Search Strategies

Opportunity can come when you least expect it, so when your dream job comes along, you want to be ready.

Part 08 (Career): Career: Networking

Networking is a very important component to a successful job search. In the following lesson, you will learn how tell your unique story to recruiters in a succinct and professional but relatable way.

Part 09 (Career): Career: Front-End Interview Practice

Now that you've practiced your skills through your project work, learn how you can present your knowledge in an interview.

Part 10 (Elective): How to Use Git and GitHub

Learn how to use version control to save and share your projects with others.

Part 11 (Elective): (Optional) Project: Health Tracker

This is an optional project; you are not required to complete this project to graduate your Nanodegree.

Using Backbone, you will develop a single page app that tracks the user's calorie intake, and optionally, other health-related metrics. Typing food names into the search field will display a list of matching foods as provided by the health API. Users will be able to select an item from the list, and the item will be added to the list of foods the user is tracking. The total calorie count will also update to reflect the new daily total.